Look at our cover. Did you read what was on it? Not only does it give me great pleasure to honor this wonderful artist but also the fact that he has a story to tell about how he beat cancer made it that much more special. Pepe DeSoto is no stranger to CREATIV, we have had the privilege of publishing his art work on our 11th issue and to hear how much of a journey he had created a sense of urgency to have him one more time in our 22nd issue.
In the following pages we tackle some pretty controversial topics. Never before has there been such an emphasis about race in this country. We have come to the point that we fight over the stupidest things in 2017 when actually we should be looking on how to progress instead of regressing. Once of those topics is interracial love. To me it doesn’t matter who you fall in love with as long as you cherish and respect this person and are not with them for the wrong reasons.
Moreover as you can see we have introduced to you our 2 newest writes who really bring it, can’t wait to see what they have in store for us next year as we are getting ready to close this year with an awesome issue.
New York fashion week made splash and we have had the privilege of sharing some extraordinary designers with you through the eyes for Dennis Madigan.
I can’t thank my contributors enough for always submitting the best content for our magazine. Enjoy our 22nd issue.
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