As an African American woman, I have always known that people of my race share similarities in culture. Though we may be disbursed on different continents, our roots are embedded so deeply that at times we may feel them crossing ...

Aaaah summer!! The one word that makes me think of beaches, traveling and lots of ice cream yet here we are! Though it is not recommended to travel unless it is absolutely necessary (thanks a lot Rona) but most of ...

On a brighter note, I am so elated to know that our creatives have not stopped working, this issue dubbed The Cultural Issue, puts emphasis on our Caribbean brothers and sisters in the creative world showcasing their work and masterpieces. ...

It is a fact that hardship hits black and brown communities the most in these United States of America,Β  and because of this generational curse certain luxuries such as art education are not priorities for some of these families. However, ...

“Malena Belafonte’s Journey Fashion Festival was an absolutely amazing performance that captured the complexity of the fashion world. Designers, artists, performers, dancers and photographers all came together to celebrate Fashion. The event took place in an open loft space at ...

RAW has been an intricate part of the art community for as long as I can remember. It existed before the magazine was created and continue to thrive despite manyΒ  changes that myΒ  have affected their monthly operations. However, it’s ...

Have you ever pondered if Art had a beginning, what were its originators thinking and why is it most important in our lives today? Today we learn about a renown choreographer, creator and artist in the Performing Arts whose contribution ...