I would be lying if I said that I didn’t shed a tear knowing that I was approaching this milestone. Despite the highs and the lows, I wanted to keep my promise and make it to number 50. Needless to say that It was not an easy journey. When I decided that I wanted to put together a magazine 2 factors came to play. First, I wanted to give a platform to creative women, because I saw the wonderful things they were doing and wanted to celebrate them in my own way. Two years in I guess I was doing a good job that the men wanted in as well. Subsequently I changed the name from the C Magazine to CREATIV Magazine. From there it took a life of its own. Seven years later here we are. We made it! Second, all I wanted was to prove to myself that I could go through with a project while staying focused. Funny story I haven’t told this to anyone yet my Marketing Director and good friend Jimmy Moise figured it out on his own This issue honors grit, tenacity and success. Having to have met Elo just not long ago, it felt like everything was falling into place. Not only have I met a pioneer but also was able to learn from him. The immense knowledge he shares about LIFE is incredible, the kind of stuff you don’t and can’t learn in school. I am just grateful to have met Elo and hope his success follows him for years to come. Today we celebrate art, fashion and community. This issue is also dedicated to Project Love an organization that lends a hand to the least fortunate of our community. Chef Ike has a heart of gold and with his vision I believe that we all can come together to give hope to those who deserve it the most. Moreover, I want to take the time and acknowledge 3 dedicated contributors to the magazine, Sean Simpson, Toni Douglas and Yvonne Nobles. These 3 have started with the magazine and are still here today giving their time and talent to this labor of love and I couldn’t thank them enough. It is my honor and privilege to present them with an award of dedication and to wish them nothing but an explosion of success in all they endeavor. Also this show would never have happened without the love, support and hard work of my right arm Paulincia Gatterea of Metallic Bubbles. She is my sword and armor and the compass behind the operations of this show. On that note I would also like to thank all the contributors, writers, photographers, artists, designers, and philanthropists who saw something special and left their imprint on this labor of love, CREATIVMAG. Here is to the 50th Issue!!
Issue 50 – The Apex Issue

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