Talent Spotlight: Bree Billiter

When determination meets talent the result is nothing short of a masterpiece. Fashion is an ever changing industry. With forward thinking minds such as Bree’s who never stop imagining the next trend.  It is out pleasure to introduce you to  Bree Billiter,  an NYC based designer who was raised on the beaches of Cape Cod. Bree has been designing since the age of three, and she strives to show the world the power of daydreams through her garments. Her determination and passion have lead her to direct hundreds of NYC creatives in editorials that have been published in over fifty magazines. Her use of airy materials, striking colors, and intricate detail work have garnered attention across the nation and Breeoriginal designs will now be featured in the Harpers PR showroom in LA.

The following is a showcase of her work and we can’t wait to see what else she has in store:

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